Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys

Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys
Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys

Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys

It’s crucial to keep in mind how Jerry Jones and the Cowboys arrived while examining the puzzling choices he makes, such as keeping Mike McCarthy,

Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys
Jerry Jones will continue to coach the Cowboys

the reliable postseason dry heave who was only able to make it to one Super Bowl with Aaron Rodgers.

Many NFL fans may not even have been born yet, as it was a very long time ago.

Rewind the clock to 1994, when Dallas had just won their second consecutive Super Bowl.

They were, possibly, the genuine America’s team for the first time. It was an exuberant moment,

with Charles Haley hammering his hog on the reg in the locker room,

and them being bold and boisterous, high on more drugs than South America could provide.

They were essentially the NFL reduced to a single squad,

embodying all the fan favorites as well as many unpopular ones.

Then, during the owners’ meetings, Jerry Jones became inebriated,

disparaged Jimmy Johnson to any member of the media in his vicinity,

got into a drunken altercation with Johnson,

and essentially fired him right away since Jones believed Johnson was receiving more credit than he was for the Cowboys’ success.

All of it was his to keep. Johnson oversaw the construction of one of the greatest collegiate teams in history at Miami and later masterminded the trade for Herschel Walker,

which launched the Cowboys into an unprecedented dynasty.

He is among the best football coaches ever.

To all intents and purposes at the time,

Jones was just some loudmouth oil magnate who happened to own the Cowboys and then fired Tom Landry.

Yes, the Cowboys would win a third Super Bowl under Barry Switzer’s leadership,

but they did so with a squad that included Johnson.

The Cowboys haven’t even seen an NFC Championship game,

much less another Super Bowl, since Jones took over as head coach and had access to the squad.

After having one too many at an owners’ meeting,

Jerruh started this since it was what he wanted and blended business with bourbon.

The reason behind the Cowboys’ nearly three-decade-long incompetence is that a fuming Jones told the media that anyone could have replaced Johnson in his position.

Well, Jones is one person who has and has demonstrated that not everyone could.

Jones has only ever desired coaches who allowed him to play for the Cowboys since then.

coaches who will not impede others. coaches who are more dependent on the position than the Cowboys are

coaches who will permit Jones to do his own press conference following the game and act like George Halas or someone else. coaches who lack the motivation to reprimand him or to point out that he has, for the most part,

led the squad into the ground.

Yes, he gave the Bill Parcells approach a try. It was Parcells’s final position and something of a farewell tour following the Jets disaster and his protégé Bill Belichick’s success.

But Parcells was still indebted to Jones because this was one last throw of the dice.

He had no intention of coaching somewhere else.

From then on, it was just stooge after stooge, with Jones taking care of his quarterback’s ailments personally and sending the inebriated person back out there to squander a few more years off his life,

all while he watched helplessly. Jason Garrett, Chan Gailey, and now McCarthy are all simply pricks who are content to take the paycheck.

Everybody is involved. To make it appear as though he has all the answers and it has nothing to do with him,

they all somehow botch it up and let Jones stumble down from his box and do his fire and brimstone thing with the press. Then the whole cycle repeats itself with some other idiot donning the baseball cap and headset who will ultimately be consumed by Jones’s flames.

Belichick was never going to put up with that kind of thing. No coach who has earned the right to assert their territory would, to take a step back and just eat Jones’s sh*t all the time. So,

of course, McCarthy is back, he doesn’t have much else to do.

But keep in mind that everything stems from a single drunken incident that occurred thirty years ago.

Children, not everything you do at two in the morning can be discovered with a cotton swab.

Some things do endure a lifetime.

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