Rob Gronkowski Reveals Playoff Prediction for Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Rob Gronkowski Reveals Playoff Prediction for Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Rob Gronkowski Reveals Playoff

Prediction for Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Should the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and

Dallas Cowboys play each other in the

NFL playoffs’ opening round, the future

Hall of Famer and former Buccaneer

Rob Gronkowski Reveals Playoff Prediction for Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Rob Gronkowski Reveals Playoff Prediction for Tampa Bay Buccaneers

predicts Oakland would defeat Dallas.

Rob Gronkowski, despite only spending

two seasons in Tampa, may very well be

the greatest tight end in the history of the

Buccaneers’ franchise.

Gronk seems to be happy with his post-

playing career after leaving the NFL after

the 2021 season for the second time.

Having never been a fan of off-season

training or workouts, Gronkowski can

now spend his leisure time as he pleases.

Even though he isn’t as effective at

burning safeties up the seam for game-

winning catches or laying down solid

blockers on linebackers, Gronk has

managed to maintain his involvement in

the game by continuing to contribute to

it as an analyst for FOX and by appearing

as a guest on several NFL podcasts.

One of the programs that Gronk

frequently appears on is Up and Adams,

a football chat show hosted by Kay

Adams, who was formerly on the NFL

Network and Good Morning Football.

Recently, during a discussion about the

Dallas Cowboys’ hopes for the playoffs,

Gronkowski used the opportunity to

make a forceful statement about the

Tampa Bay Buccaneers, his old team.

Regarding the Cowboys playoff chances,

Gronk stated, “As of right now I don’t

really see them getting past the

divisional round in the playoffs. They’re

gonna have to go on the road once the

playoffs start and they just haven’t been

able to get it done on the road either.”

The Cowboys would play the Buccaneers

at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa in

the first round of the playoffs, according

to how the two teams are now standing

in their respective divisions.

which Gronk believes will be advantageous for the Bucs

“That’s gonna be a good game actually,

but I’m gonna have to give it to the

Buccaneers. It’s gonna be a home game

for the Bucs and the way that the

Buccaneers are playing, they are hitting

their stride right now.”

Gronk concluded his support for this

2023 Bucs team by stating, “It doesn’t

matter how you start it’s about how you finish.”.

Gronk is undoubtedly knowledgeable

about postseason football. Hopefully, his

gut feeling is correct for the Buccaneers.

Regardless, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

must defeat the New Orleans Saints this

weekend to secure the NFC South

Division title in order for that playoff game to occur.

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