‘Alarm Bells’ – Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after what happened

'Alarm Bells' - Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after what happened
'Alarm Bells' - Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after what happened

‘Alarm Bells’ – Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after

what happened

‘Alarm Bells’ – Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after what happened

In light of January transfer rumors involving Rangers, Peter Grant has acknowledged that Lawrence Shankland’s absence from Hearts’ Scottish

Cup match against Spartans would have raised “alarm bells.”

The 28-year-old, who has been continuously linked to a move to Ibrox this month, was unable to play in Steven Naismith’s team’s away game

against Spartans due to illness. Some have speculated that his absence was partly due to pressure to leave Tynecastle.

Grant stated that he would have played Shankland regardless of his condition if he had been the manager, even if he thinks the Scotland

international was actually sick.

'Alarm Bells' - Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland afterwhat happened
‘Alarm Bells’ – Pundit shares Rangers January transfer verdict on Shankland after what happened

Speaking on The Go Radio Football Show (22 January, 5:10) he said: “It’s a bad day to get a cold when it’s a cup tie because that definitely sets

alarm bells ringing, especially with somebody like Lawrence who has scored the goals he has done.

“For me, he’s a Hearts player and unless Lawrence said he didn’t want to play, I’d have definitely played him, there’s no doubt in my mind. He

wouldn’t be getting away with that because we pay his wages, he’s the captain of the club and if he’s decided that he doesn’t want to stay with

Hearts, I’d have still played him.

“That’s why you’ve got to trust the fact that Steven said he was unwell.”


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