Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys

Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys
Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys

Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys

After Dallas’ playoff defeat, a former Super Bowl-winning coach defended their offseason strategy.

The Dallas Cowboys’ offseason is currently in its fourth week, and the fact that it started so early is perplexing and

upsetting. During that period, we have asked ourselves many questions and questioned if the choices we made were

ultimately the right ones. For his fifth season back with the team, Mike McCarthy will have a third defensive

coordinator (whose identity is still pending as of this writing) report to him. Jerry Jones said the team will go “all-in”

during the offseason at the Senior Bowl, but it’s unclear exactly what he meant by that.

Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys
Breaking News: Former NFL head coach makes argument for Cowboys

The fact that the Cowboys failed to meet the ultimate objective and came up just short of what a playoff team could in

that regard is clearly the cause of the displeasure that all of us feel. In another sense, it is frustrating to note that they

accomplished a great deal of good before the horrible things happened to them, but that doesn’t make it any less


I’m in Las Vegas this week on Radio Row for my San Antonio Sports Star program, The Morning Huddle. All this

week, we’ll be conducting interviews and disseminating any fascinating Cowboys-related tidbits that we find out. On

Tuesday, we got one from head coach Brian Billick, who won the Super Bowl.

The automatic response is to say, “We have to do everything,” and toss the baby out with the bathwater. No, of

course. It might be pretty subtle at times. And you have to start with the notion that—and we are discussing it with

Kansas City right now—how difficult is it to go back and repeat? It’s difficult to only win once. A lot of the conditions

that must be met in order to compete in and win a Super Bowl are determined by fate. Of course, you don’t just brush

it off at that; there are a lot of things you need to do to position yourself so that, in a sense, you make your own luck.

The process is challenging.

Dallas needs to consider that they were a strong squad. They achieved a great deal of good. However, you must go

back and critically examine and evaluate. Alright, is there something small that needs to be done? You’re talking

about a complete rebuild if there are a lot of things that need to be done; it’s an entirely different undertaking.

However, what prevented us, what were the tactical elements that prevented us from moving on to the next round?

They were simply a better squad at times. Maybe that day they were just a better team. Between Baltimore and

Kansas City, I believe Baltimore to be the superior team. Don’t try to quantify it on that particular day, if you’d like.

That is this game’s greatest feature.

He’ll give it his all for the Cowboys… and Jerry’s one too. I’m glad he kept Mike McCarthy around. Because they were

close, they will make a few minor adjustments along the way to see if, after adding the necessary parts, they still need

to add a few incidents that occurred during the season. However, in comparison to many other teams, they’re not

that far off, so there’s still plenty of work to be done.

We all felt the same way Coach Billick did when the Baltimore Ravens were upset by the Kansas City Chiefs in the

AFC Championship Game. He made the same case for his former team, the Baltimore Ravens. His observation that

Dallas shouldn’t discard their 12-win team—which they achieved for the third consecutive year—and that they might

not have been the superior squad when playing the Green Bay Packers at AT&T Stadium is undoubtedly valid. When

emotions are high after a loss, cooler heads should prevail.

However, we may talk ourselves out of shape by claiming that this team has been the underdog on game day for over

thirty years, which sets Dallas apart from Baltimore in that regard. The Cowboys have the most incredible capacity to

stay in the mix long enough to allow epic heartbreak after epic heartbreak in the absence of the big payday.

It appears that a growing number of individuals nationwide agree with Billick that Dallas made the right choice in

keeping McCarthy, especially as the playoff loss becomes increasingly distant in the past. It is possible to contend

that the “easy” choice coincided with the “reasonable” one, but this does not imply that the choice was irrational. As

the complete offseason approaches, this may be the fact that we must all come to terms with.

Since the beginning of the offseason, have you come to embrace it more? Has that wound started to mend over time?

Or do you still believe that Dallas took a turn that they ought to have avoided in the end?

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