Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics trade-see more

Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics trade-see more
Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics trade-see more

Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics

trade-see more

Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics trade-see more

Miami Although he has only been in Boston for four months, Jrue Holiday intends to stay for a very

long time. Holiday expressed his wish to remain in Boston permanently in an exclusive interview,

emphasizing his intention to extend his contract with the team before the end of the season rather than

going unsigned this summer. For 2024–2025, Holiday has a player option.

Holiday expressed his desire to be present to MassLive. “It seems like I’m becoming more at ease, and I

love the city, the organization, and the guys.”

In theory, Holiday’s Celtics negotiations would not begin until six months after his trade to Boston,

which would put them in early April. Back in July, Boston and Kristaps Porzingis, their other notable

offseason addition, reached a two-year extension. The new NBA CBA allows the Celtics to extend

Holiday’s contract for a maximum of four seasons. Although those negotiations would take place right

before a crucial postseason run, Holiday does not believe it would be a barrier to reaching an agreement

before the summer. The only player in the starting lineup for the Celtics who may be a free agency this

offseason is him, though it’s possible he won’t even test the open market.

Holiday clarified, “My last extension was during the course of the year.” “I believe that we can discuss it

and get ready for games and the future at the same time.”

Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celticstrade-see more
Jrue Holiday reveals free agency preference after Celtics
trade-see more

Holiday’s player option is valued at $39.4 million for the 2024–25 season, while he is currently earning

$36.9 million this season. League sources indicate that it is widely anticipated that Holiday will turn

down that offer in order to sign a long-term contract. Holiday’s team could choose to turn down that

offer in order to help the 33-year-old get a longer contract. Boston would benefit from a lower beginning

contract for Holiday with more years added, as it would lessen the team’s possible luxury tax fines for

the upcoming campaign.

It could be difficult for both parties to determine Holiday’s exact market value. Holiday’s scoring

average in Boston has significantly decreased to 13.3 points per game, but this is mostly because of his

limited playing time.

Holiday said, “This year, I’m doing what the team and my guys need; they need me to be in the offensive

spots that I am.” They probably are aware of that. They are keeping an eye out for me and searching for


Once the super max contracts of Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum begin to run after next season, the

luxury tax calculations of keeping Holiday on a big deal will become extremely difficult. Following the

2024–25 season, Derrick White will also be eligible for a new contract, coinciding with Boston’s entry

into the repeater luxury tax payment bracket. To maintain the team’s current level of play, Boston’s

ownership would have to fork over well over $100 million in luxury tax fines alone (on top of a salary

over $200 million).

Holiday stated, “I think everyone kind of knows we’re set and we’re set for a long period of time.” You

will essentially return here with the same guys, regardless of what transpires. Events occur, but I believe

you learn to accept that, allowing yourself to be at ease and relieving some of the need to plan ahead.

In addition, Holiday discussed how at ease his family is in the area now that they were relocated from

Milwaukee a few days prior to the start of the season as part of an incredible trade for Damian Lillard.

During the season, Holiday, his wife Lauren, and their children had made their home in a Boston


“I feel fantastic. I believe that everything slowed down, remarked Holiday. “In Boston and while playing

basketball, I found comfort.” I’m glad my family enjoyed it as well. We were there for a short while. In

2010 my wife used to play soccer there. We’ve been here for a little while because we have friends here,

so it’s been pleasant.

Considering the dearth of strong alternatives, it is highly likely that the Celtics will attempt to keep

Holiday after this season. For the foreseeable future, the team will be above the luxury tax, and the

amount of time they can reasonably keep their top six players without incurring huge tax penalties is

extremely limited.

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