Cowboys girlfriend reveals ‘Mental breakdown’ from criticism.

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Cowboys’ $97.6 Million Pro Bowler Tabbed ‘Can’t Lose’ Free Agent

Cowboys girlfriend reveals ‘Mental breakdown’ from criticism.

Frisco – Haley Cavinder is a college basketball player who has a large social media following.

However, her connection with Dallas Cowboys tight end Jake Ferguson has elevated her prominence,

resulting in what she refers to as a “mental breakdown.

” “I’m a confident girl, but when people are saying stuff about you

— if you have a boyfriend and someone is talking about you online with your boyfriend, like, coming at your features — I’m like, ‘This is new and obviously Jake is a great guy,

but you don’t want to be called ugly on the internet 24/7, and your boyfriend sees it,” she said in a recent question-and-answer session on the twins’ website. “That won’t make anyone feel cool.”

Haley admitted to having a “mental breakdown” as a result of what others were saying about her on social media.

“So I had a mental breakdown, but it was a while ago,”

she explained. “Honestly, I’m very confident and comfortable sharing my relationship because Jake was very loud about it.

“Ferguson, of course, has emerged this season as a terrific tight end for the most popular club in American sports.

The Cavinder sisters, Haley and Hanna, got recognition this year for coming up to Cowboys games to cheer him on.

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Drama! “It made me feel very comfortable and confident sharing him as well,”

said Haley, who will play basketball for TCU next season. “He is an important part of my life and will continue to be.

“So it isn’t something I’ll keep private. I go to Cowboys games, and he will go to mine.

“Haley admitted to having a “mental breakdown” as a result of what others were saying about her on social media.

“So I had a mental breakdown, but it was a while ago,” she explained.

“To be honest, I’m pretty secure and comfortable about my relationship since Jake was very vocal about it.

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