What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion

What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion
What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion

What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion

What everyone is saying about the

controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion

After defeating the Detroit Lions 20-19 at

home on Saturday night, the Dallas

Cowboys maintained their prospects of

winning the NFC East. Although the

Cowboys prevailed, there remain serious

doubts about the victory’s validity.

What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion
What everyone is saying about the controversial Cowboys-Lions two-point conversion

When offensive tackle Taylor Decker

caught a two-point conversion that

would have put the Lions up, 21–20, the

referee called an illegal touching play. In

response to questions about the call

following the game, head referee Brad

Allen stated that Decker did not report

eligible, while lineman Dan Skipper did.

Here are Decker’s and Lions coach Dan

Campbell’s comments regarding the call:

Taylor Decker

“They didn’t tell me anything after the

play. I mean all I really want to say on it,

just so I don’t get myself into trouble is, I

mean, I did exactly what coach told me

to do, and went to the ref, said report.

Yeah, I don’t know. It was my

understanding, too, Dan brings up the

possibility of those sorts of plays pre-

game, so I did what I was told to do. Did

how we did it in practice all week, and

that’s probably all I’m really going to touch on with that

Dan Campbell

“I’d prefer not to discuss it. I go over

everything in detail before the game,

okay? That’s what I did. 70 people came

forward. 68 didn’t. We tossed it to

number 68. That served as the justification.

Jared Goff

“Very confused. What I do know, and I

don’t know if I’ll get fined for this, but I

do know that Decker reported. I do know

that Dan Skipper did not. I do know that

they said that Dan Skipper did.”

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